
in spring是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

in spring

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1.在春天 on a sunny morning 在一个晴朗的早晨 in spring 在春天 in May 在5月 ...

2.在春季 in a year 在一年中 in spring 在春季 in September 在九月 ...

3.春天里 ... 15. 当我想你的时候 When I miss you 01. 春天里 In Spring 02. 信仰在空中飘扬 Faith flying in the sky ...

4.春上 ( 上声 ) shǎng shēng 春上[ in spring] 皇上[ the emperor] ...

5.梨花雨 ... 青藏线 The Qinghai-Tibet Line 梨花雨 In Spring 我睡不着 Insomnia ...

6.春天来了 1.白日梦蓝 Blue Daydreaming 2.春天来了 In Spring 3.爱之过往 Love Past ...


1.You are like the wind in spring, tender and warm, blowing gently into my chest and wrinkling my heart.你是春天温情又柔和的风,轻轻地吹到了我的怀中,把我的心吹动。

2.However, these guys all along are so complacent as if partaking of the sacrificial feasts, as if mounting the terrace in spring.可是这些人却永远都是那麽的洋洋得意,其状如享太牢、其形如春登台。

3.It is often windy in spring and winter. But the different weather makes Beijing distinctive.春天和冬天经常有风。但是这正是北京的特色。

4.There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides, " he said. " The Germans have a good break in the winter and are fresh in spring.“双方都有优势和劣势。”教授表示,“德国人将享有冬歇期,来年春天他们将焕然一新。”

5.Hope and youthful energy rose up in her again, like leaves on a young tree in spring.新的希望和青春的活力再度在她心中涌起,就像春天小树上的新叶。

6.The young spiders hatch out in spring. None of the British spiders is harmful, so you need't be afraid of them.这些新生的蜘蛛会在春天被孵化出来。没有一种英国蜘蛛是有害的,所以你不用怕他们!

7.The major task in Spring 2008 was to carry out a more comprehensive survey via drilling to investigate the distribution of the site.2008年春季的主要工作重点是对已知的遗址范围内进行详细的钻探,以了解遗址地下遗迹的分布情况;

8.It was a fine day in spring. The sun shone brightly.这是一个晴朗的春日,阳光灿烂。

9.The small legacy was as welcome as flowers in spring, coming just when they were faced with an enormous bill.那一小笔遗产来得正是时候,他们正好面临一大笔要支付的帐单。

10.Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with those wonderful smells that only occur in spring.春的空气宛若金璨欢快的阳光闪烁耀眼,那春天才有的美妙气息扑鼻而至。